May 2024 Newsletter
April saw the first real WFTR event: the run to Chartwell House. It all started out well with reasonably warm weather so roofs were down for some. After a tour of the house and excellent lunch we parted company and made our way home. In the rain. Lots of rain. And traffic jams. But still a great day out.
See the Chartwell House Gallery
Next up was Drive it Day at Brooklands. On a somewhat chilly morning a few hardy souls met up for the short drive to Brooklands. There was a good turn out of cars in attendance with strong support from the London clubs. Despite the early sun, members of the public were in short supply and the event ended early just after lunch. WFTR members took advantage of the lack of crowds to visit the aircraft manufacturing museum, classic bus museum and of course Concord amongst other attractions. It was a freezing cold day and very windy. Perhaps this explains why Tim and Mike’s cars were the last ones standing early p.m.
See the Drive it Day Gallery
The last event in April was a visit to the Royal Logistic Corps Museum, at Worthy Down. Coffee first in the world’s biggest cups then a personal tour by Edward, an ex-RLC Colonel and museum volunteer. The whole museum is very well laid out and full of stories. The medal room is particularly impressive and includes 5 Victoria Crosses, 3 George Crosses and a German Iron Cross. You need to visit the museum to discover the story behind them.
Pictures Coming Soon
In May we have 3 events to look forwards to:
Fish & Chip Run – 4 May
Off to the seaside with Terry and Helen. A casual run through the South Downs for some lovely fish and chips by the sea. Plenty of outside seating with waterside views and a chance to dip your toes in the sea before the run home. Sunshine guaranteed!
Bluebell Run – 10 -12 May
A weekend away in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and the Welsh Marches organised by the Ross & District Motor Club.
TRR Scottish Weekend at Doune & Outer Hebrides – 16 – 31 May
Organised by Jeff and Lesley it’s a visit to TRR Scottish Weekend at Doune with a follow on tour of the Outer Hebrides.
Also in May is the Guildford Motor Club Printemps Tour. Not something we have done before but all reports suggest it’s a great day out. We shall let you know how it goes.
Then in June there are two events:
Crossness Pumping Station – 23 Jun
A run down the A25 to Crossness to visit one of Bazelgettes wonderful buildings. Pumping out the effluent of London.
Fun & Games on the Isle of Purbeck – 28 Jun – 1 Jul
A weekend away organised by Avis and Tim staying at the hotel where Enid Blyton wrote the Famous 5 books. So it’s time for an adventure!
At the April club night Tim gave an excellent talk on the petrol injection conversion he has been working on for many months.
At the May club night Graham will be regaling us all with a talk about “Hidden London” which will relate specifically to the Underground.
Don’t Forget!
WFTR Christmas Lunch
The WFTR Christmas Lunch will be on 14 December to which we have made a hefty deposit as agreed by all at the AGM. We hope you will be able to register for this as soon as you can (no payment required right now). If we do not get the numbers during the next few months we will have to review the position and our deposit will be at risk.
Register for the Christmas Lunch
TR Action
We are still looking for a WFTR volunteer to write the periodic input about our Group for TR Action – please let the Committee know if you are willing to do this.
Long Weekend In Wales
Summer next year is a long time away, but several of us have booked for a return trip to Llanerchindda Farm in Wales from 13 – 16 June 2025. There are 6 places available and unless they are booked by us they will go to other non WFTR folk from the general public. The reason we have booked so far ahead is that this is necessary as they are so popular. This is not to be confused with the Wales trip this year being organised by Barry and Jenny.
Register for Llanerchindda Farm
And Finally…
It used to be a tradition that more WFTR members would organise one day runs for the benefit of all. If you have an idea and would be happy to organise an event then do please let us know. We will help you get started and then deliver a great day out.