Newsletter February 2022
Lets Get Planning
As we are well into the New Year with the restrictions easing now is the time to be signing up for some or all of the many events we have planned for this year. These have all been published on our website where it is easy to register for each event on the “Register for this event box” for which a link is provided.
First up we have Club Night for 02 February 2022 which will be at the De Havilland Arms, The Key, Elvetham Heath, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 1HA from 7:30p.m. For those who have not visited before we will be seated to the rear of the public area to the right hand side. We hope to see as many of you as possible there. Then as a summary of the year there is:
- 27 Feb – Beating the Bounds at for which we have 10 registered to date.
- 02 Apr – Fish and Chip Run at for which we have 15 registrations to date.
- 18 Apr – Classic Car & Bike Display with Car Boot Sale at Weyhill which is a non WFTR event, but which a few of us could get together and register (through Anton Rotary Club) to attend on Easter Monday.
- 24 Apr – Drive it Day at for there are 16 registrations. We hope more of you will sign up as this is going to be a great day out at Chatham Dockyard to belatedly celebrate 50 years of the TR Register combined with other South East TR Groups.
- 28 Apr – 09 May Tour of the Scottish Highlands at with 10 registrations. This is the third time we have tried to run this event which has been postponed before due to the Covid virus.
- 03 – 04 May TS2 Visits WFTR with registration detail just released. I hope you will all be aware that the Register is sending TS2 on a countrywide tour to raise the profile of the marque. We will be taking it over for a 2 day stint from the Goodwood Group and then passing it on to the Dorset Group. We would like to have maximum exposure whilst the car is with us and hope that Group members who are available will attend our event (details shortly to be notified) to view and/or drive the car. Should you wish to drive the car I will need some details from you to facilitate the insurance. Please let me know if you are thinking of doing so. Here is TS2:

- 11 May Visit to Bekonscot Village at which we have 4 registrations for.
- 11 Jun – Summer BBQ at for which we have 12 registrations. I am sure this popular event will fill up quickly and run into the 30’s.
- 19 Jun Bodiam Castle at for which we have 12 registrations for.
- 25 – 26 Jun – Hillier Gardens and Tankfest we have 6 registered at the moment as it has only just gone on the website. We are responding to the request for more weekend events with this one. Tankfest is a very popular event and if you would like to come I encourage you to purchase tickets now per the link on our website.
- 02 July – Hale Carnival at
- 06 – 16 Jul Isle of Man Trip at where we have 4 registrations. This is a repeat of a the same trip some members went on last year and who had a superb time. Highly recommended.
- 17 Jul Thames Valley Tour at] where we have 6 registrations.
- 06 Aug Valleys and Villages Tour at where we have 10 registrations so far.
- 17 Aug Buckler’s Hard and Beaulieu River Boat Trip at with 12 registrations.
- 19 – 22 Aug Triumph & MG Weekend at
- 11 Sep Cream Tea Route and Scones at where we have 12 registrations.
There have been no Committee meetings since the AGM, but one has been rescheduled for 01 Feb having been postponed on 26 Jan.
There was no resistance to early booking of the Windlesham golf Club for Christmas lunch again this year and this has been done by David Hankin. He wisely secured this at last years price.
There is a TR GL meeting scheduled for 13 Mar for which I have been asked to request if there is any feedback or agenda items from our Group. All I submitted was that it would be useful if Groups published for members to see on the TR Register website run routes so others could use them. Should anyone have comments then do please let me know.
From what I have set out in this newsletter you can see that an immense amount of work has been invested in laying on a range of events to suit all members. This has been influenced by your input and also the membership review we conducted last year. We hope like those who have already registered for events that you will look at your availability and add your names to the events to which you take a liking to. We hope then to see the numbers increase significantly.
Roll on the better weather so we can get out in our cars and make up for lost time.
Best wishes.
Mike Heelis

The Last WFTR Trip to Chatham Dockyard – it was good.
Very nice full programme. Hats off to our committee for their continued effort. We hope to be able to make many of the events.