Part of the TR Register
RAF Benson

September 2021 Newsletter

Sep Club Night

Club Night for 01 Sep will be at the De Havilland Arms at The Key, Elvetham Heath, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 1HA from 7:30p.m. on 01 Sep.

Event Report

There were 13 of us who set out in 7 TR’s from Newlyns Garden Centre on Sat 31 Jul bound for Royal Wootton Bassett for the Valley and Villages Tour the next day. We had a superb 61 mile run through beautiful countryside in dry conditions to our hotel at Royal Wootton Bassett. Unfortunately there were two breakdowns in Hungerford, which required recovery services to be returned home for repair (one arrived back around midnight and the other at 03:30 a.m. the next day!). This is a rare occurrence and we hope that the gremlins are finished with WFTR cars for now. On arrival at the hotel we were informed that there were no places left for supper so we adjourned to the town for a very pleasant Indian Curry. The Valley and Villages event was, as ever, excellent covering a route of about 115 miles encompassing lovely Wiltshire scenery using tulip navigation. There was a tea and coffee stop with delicious cakes and a lunch halt in Hungerford where it bucketed down with rain for the duration of our time there. Fortunately it stopped before the first car left on the afternoon run. The event was topped off at the finish with a gathering of all participants complimented by a nice meal at the Royal Wootton Bassett rugby club before our trip home. Another memorable weekend was had by all.

The Triumph and MG International weekend from 13 to 15 Aug was attended by 18 WFTR members who were impressed with the scale, content and location of this event. There was lots to do and see with anniversaries of various marks (50 years for the last Triumph every built – The Acclaim!), an arena area, traders, auto test, a 3 counties road run etc. etc. 14 of us met in Malvern on Saturday for an excellent Nepalese curry and catch up. Laurence and Oli Holt won prizes. Laurence’s TR6 won non standard TR6 and Oli’s TR7 won standard (see enclosed pictures below).  All in all a most successful weekend.

Laurence and Suzanne
Oil and Aurora

For those with a penchant for rebuilding TR’s see TR4 which was on a bring and buy stand at Malvern – any takers?

Tim has also used his TR4A at a family wedding and I just had to include a shot of it in this newsletter as it looks splendid;

Tim’s TR4A

2021 Event Update

28 AugTrip to Man Cave and Pumping Station at Upham (10 WFTR registrations)
30 AugSummer BBQ at Laurence and Suzanne’s (36 WFTR registrations). We will be meeting at the Redfields Garden Centre fro 0930 where we will have a photo, coffee and pastries. Our 25th anniversary celebration rally plates and road book will be issued and we will follow the original road book route (by tulip navigation) with an extension added on to Laurence and Suzanne’s place
12 SepCream tea run (20 WFTR registrations). Starting and finishing from Graham and Michelle’s.
19 SepWest Green House show (12 WFTR registrations).
26 SepTrip to the Hellfire Caves (14 WFTR registrations). Please if there is any likelihood you will come do register soonest as Tim needs to know numbers for booking into the caves and lunch.
22 OctSkittles Night (6 WFTR registrations). Book and pay online as soon as you are able. This is a really popular event.
12 DecChristmas lunch and AGM Will be open for registration shortly. This event will be at Windlesham Golf Club and will also include our AGM after the meal. We hope to get a good showing for this event so watch this pace for more news.
01 Jan Dave Hankin has booked 20 places at the Hogget on the A30 for those who wish to attend the annual Phoenix Inn car meet which is a great event. Please register as soon as you are able as we have to make a deposit for this lunch booking to secure the best seats in the establishment. It gets really busy on New Years day!.

Looking Forward to 2022

Barry has been building up a portfolio of suggested events from members at Club Nights and this will be being processed onto the website post committee meeting. For those who would still like to input to for next years events then please use the following link to Barry’s form: contact form.


This newsletter is to be taken as notification of the 2021 WFTR AGM which will be conducted on 12 Dec from 3:00p.m. at the Windlesham Golf Club after the WFTR Christmas lunch. An Agenda will be issued with the Nov newsletter. For those members wishing to stand for Committee positions in 2022 please inform the Group Leader by In addition any member wishing to add an item to the draft agenda they should let me know on the same e-mail address.


Events and the social scene have now kicked up a gear since June and thankfully we are now out again enjoying our TR’s and of course each other’s company. We are optimistic for the events planned for the remainder of 2021 and have a growing portfolio for next year. Do let us know your thoughts by responding to this newsletter in the comment box below.

  1. Jenny Green on 30 Jul 2021:

    I really like this new format.

    Reply to Jenny Green

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.