Part of the TR Register
Crofton Run June 2014

November 2024 Newsletter

The month of November originated from the roman word novem or nine. This is because it used to be the ninth month out of ten. They then added January at the beginning and February to the end to get 12 months. This changed again in 452BC when February was moved to precede March. It’s all very confusing. Even more so in 1752 when Pope Gregory deleted 12 days in September (the 7th month).

This is what we all did in October (the 8th month according to the Romans).

Club Night

Barry showed a video of the Wales trip including the WFTR Committee facing their innermost fears at the top of a mountain. We also sold some hats! If you missed the fashion show in the last newsletter you lost out on the chance to purchase some haute couture.

Autumn Leaves Run & Lunch

A damp run with stops for coffee, Vicar of Dibley and the Dew Drop Inn.

See the Autumn Leaves Run Gallery

Wings Aviation Museum

15 aviation pioneers set off in the rain to a real gem of a museum. And as a bonus we got to see a merlin engine making lots of noise.

See the Wings Aviation Museum Run Gallery

Coming Soon!

Club Night – 5 November

No guy to burn or sparklers to wave about but we do have a quiz night. Masterminded by the grand quizmaster Terry Schrader and his lovely assistant Helen great entertainment will be had by all. Paper and Pencils may or many not be provided so in the best boy scout and guide tradition: be prepared.

Christmas Lunch – 14 Dec

Last chance to book your place on the festive night of the year. With food, drink and amiable banter,

Register for the Christmas Lunch


The 2024 AGM will not be held at the Christmas Party. The date for the AGM will be 7 Jan 2025.

Committee Meetings

Each month the committee look forwards with great excitement to discussing all matters WFTR. So you don’t feel left out from now on we are letting you read the minutes of these momentous meetings:

WFTR Committee Meeting Minutes

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.