Newsletter January 2022
Welcome to 2022
A Happy New Year to you all. We hope you had a peaceful Christmas and wish you well for the New Year. Lets look forward to the spring to start TR’ing when the weather improves. You will see from the pics below that we started the New Year as we intend to continue with the first meet up of the year on day 1.
Club Night for 05 January 2022 will be at the De Havilland Arms, The Key, Elvetham Heath, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 1HA from 7:30p.m. For those who have not visited before we will be seated to the rear of the public area to the right hand side. We hope to see as many of you as possible there.
We had a successful AGM post an excellent WFTR Christmas lunch on 12 December. I am pleased to report that the Committee agreed to stand again for 2022 on a unanimous vote. For more detail of the AGM see the presentation used as posted at: See pic below for a taste of the excellent location we were entertained for lunch at in the Windlesham Golf club organised by Dave Hankin who we all thank.

David has negotiated with Windlesham Golf Club that we could have the 2022 Christmas party in the same location for the 2021 price (£35 per head). This provided we can put down a £250 deposit now. Bearing in mind that we will endure high inflation this year and it is unlikely this price could be beaten or matched this could be a good investment. However, the Committee would like to know what you as a member think of the option. Please provide feedback on this proposal either by completing the notes section below or contacting me separately –
The very full events programme for 2022 can be seen in the AGM Minutes as referenced above. We encourage you to sign up for any you are interested in participating in.
Apart from Club Night our next event will be Beating of the Bounds on 27 Feb so if you can make it register now. To sign up go to: Use the same method for each event you wish to attend.
We still only have 10 registered for the Drive it Day TR 50th anniversary event on 24 April to Chatham Dockyard. We had many more than this registered for the delayed 2021 event. Please look at your calendars to see if you can come. See – Fairly soon I will be doing the ticketing for this event and asking which side shows members would like to attend.
Fourteen of us had a nice day out at the Phoenix Inn New Years day classic car meet. There were dozens of classic, modern classic, supercars, trucks and commercial equipment on show all the way along the A30 central reservation and verges. Impossible to photograph all, but here is a snapshot out the front of the Inn and also Andy McLaren’s truck with tractor onboard he showed. We followed on with a really nice lunch in the Hogget.

Carbon Offset
For any of you who read the TR Register e-newsletter there was a link to the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs about carbon offset for our classic cars. See – . We would value any feedback you may have on this initiative so we can pass it back to FBHVC through the Register. Just fill in the note pane at the bottom of this newsletter and send the message back to me.
We have laid the foundations for a good TR’ing year event wise as influenced or not by the social awareness requirements as to how this unfolds. We can do no more and hope that you will register for events and also come and chat at our monthly Club Nights per introduction above. Keep those TR wheels turning.
Best wishes
Mike Heelis
WFTR Group Leader
Hi Mike we really enjoyed the 2021 Christmas lunch at Windlesham Golf Club and would very much support a return in 2022.
Apologies I did not make the New Years Day event – technical issues !!
Happy New Year
Hi Geoff,
Thanks for your note and feedback. Sorry about your technical issues which I am all to familiar with. I trust all well with you and Julie.
Happy New Year to you as well.
Will catch up soon.
Hi Mike
Really enjoyed Our Christmas dinner and look forward to a 2022 event and happy to place a deposit.
Hi Andy,
Many thanks for taking the time to reply to the newsletter and really pleased with your point of view. Good to see you last Wednesday.
All the best.