Part of the TR Register
Crofton Run June 2014

December 2024 Newsletter

Since 1955 there has been a winter season in the Highlands called the Snowman Rally. As you can imagine back in those days the vehicles were somewhat different to the works cars you see today. This excellent webpage has some great action shots from the 80s and includes a rather nifty TR7.

Why are we telling you this? It’s a reminder that just because it’s cold outside there is no reason not to fire up the car and go for a drive.

Now on to the news of what we did and what we are doing.

Club Night

It was a quiz! Great fun was had by all with excellent adjudication from the quizmaster Mr Terry Schraider. Somebody won but nobody really cared as it’s the taking part that counts.

This December will be quiet with the decorum and solemnity befitting the time of year. Or maybe not.

Christmas Lunch – 14 Dec

Lets go and have some eggnog and don a paper hat. 38 attendees which is excellent.

AGM – 7 Jan 2025

The WFTR AGM will be held on 7 Jan 2025 at The Foresters Arms Bagshot at 8pm.

The draft agenda is as follows:

  1. To receive apologies for absence and introductions.
  2. Agreement of minutes from the last AGM.
  3. Register WFTR Communications Point of Contact Report.
  4. Membership report + Web activity.
  5. Treasurer’s report and adoption of accounts.
  6. Social Secretary’s report 2024 & forecast for 2025.
  7. Election of Committee: Group Leader, Treasurer, Social Secretary, Membership Member
  8. Consider resolutions
  9. AOB
  10. Close of meeting.

Please forward all nominations for committee members and any resolutions to before 5 Jan 2025.

A reminder to all that without a committee there is no WFTR. We have run for a whole year without a Group Leader which has been facilitated by additional work being undertaken by the current committee and one coopted member. It is not onerous and all meetings are conducted by means of Zoom meetings, so very little impact on your time.

Committee Meetings

Each month the committee look forwards with great excitement to discussing all matters WFTR. So you don’t feel left out from now on we are letting you read the minutes of these momentous meetings:

WFTR Committee Meeting Minutes


The committee wishes you all a peaceful Christmas and happy new year. Happy TR’ing.

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.