Part of the TR Register

Cream Tea 2023

Despite the heat Graham and Michelle, Mike and Lynda, Andy and Jane, Kevin and Pat, Tim and Avis, Laurence and Suzanne, Barry and Jenny, Richard and Pip, Steve and Chris, Cliff, Coral and Pip all took part in the 10 year anniversary of the Cream Tea Run.

The task this year was a homage to the radio show 20 questions: find three animals, three vegetables and three minerals. With a bonus round at Ash lock.

All nice and quiet
Taking morning Tea
Basking in the sun…
…hiding in the shadows
Jenny backhands Barry. Mike gets shaded out.
Kevin trying to recall where he parked the car.
Two hats V no hats. Who will win?
Pureed vegetables
No more pizza
no more pizza here either
still got some pizza here
Laurence points to a Lion
Avis and a mineral
Tim… make up your own caption
A norse
Animal. AKA Charley
Not an animal
Steve excited by a bag of rocks
Sort of vegetable and mineral
Vegetables (in a curry). Yum yum says Barry
Cliff pointing out the date of the lock
Not quite vegetables yet
An inspired vegetable selection
An empty vegetable
A tenuous vegetable
Growing vegetables
It’s a chicken
Animal (the bull), vegetable (grass) and mineral (bricks)
A ceramic hog with hops on his back. Triple score!
Arms akimbo and great joy at finding pre-beer.
A vegetable. You choose.
Barry eating the evidence.
Lots at the lock
And finally the cream tea
Top table
Left table
Right table
All gone.

See you next year

  1. Andy on 02 Jul 2023:

    Superb day reinforced by great weather. Thanks for the kind hospitality Graham and Michelle – yum yum!

    Reply to Andy

Reply to Andy

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