Part of the TR Register
RAF Benson

Newsletter July 2023

Club Night

The July WFTR Club night will be at The Foresters Arms, 173 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5DH, on 04 July from 7:30 p.m. We will be presenting our Group donation of a cheque to Phyliss Tuckwell charity during the evening. In addition Tim and Graham will chat about our new website payment system for events and Tim also about the Group shop. If there is time to spare we will show some video and shots of our recent trip to Wales. We have been asked by the manageress of the Foresters that if anyone wishes to eat before the meeting that they let the pub know the day before even if they are not having the special. Sounds like a full evening!

Event Report

Fourteen of us in 6 TR’s and a stand in modern car went on a superb 4 day, 3 night weekend to Wales and had a great time. We had an eventful 180 miles trip down to our stay at Llanerchindda Farm with 5 TR’s. A combination of breakdowns and wrong turnings made for an interesting, but enjoyable day. Well done to Graham though for taking us on a detour to miss the huge traffic queues at Birdlip near Gloucester. We were warmly welcomed by our hosts who specialise in having classic car, off-road and activity clubs to stay. Everything was organised for us with maps, tulip books for two days of runs and a rally plate. Days 2 and 3 were taken up by two runs of just under 100 miles each along some superb routes. We were welcomed back at the farm each day with afternoon tea and a chance to revue our adventures of the day. We would return on another trip in the future without hesitation would it be possible to get a booking. They are taking bookings now for 2025! If I have piqued your interest look at this Youtube video of the farm: A few pictures of our trip:

Graham and Michelle organised an excellent Cream tea run for us again this year. We all met at their house for a cuppa before being sent off as individual cars or groups with a list of clues to find certain items. Each item designated had to be found across two counties and photographed as proof. We all met Graham halfway at the Hoggs Back brewery for more coffee and tea or even a pint for some which was very pleasant. Tim Bartholomew won the best photo evidence of the day (see pic – taming a lion!) and received the cream tea run teapot as a prize. Not only did Graham and Michelle lay on a superb cream tea they also made 100% of the event charge as a donation to Group funds. Thanks to them both from all of us I say. Some fun shots:

Planned Events For The Next 3 Months

07 July – Trip to Jungle Paradise Crazy Golf at Chichester. Now fully subscribed and paid for.

16 July – Thames valley Tour. Now fully subscribed and paid for.

29 July – A relaxed run across the South Downs followed by lunch. For registration see: We will need to pre order our lunch beforehand so if you are interested register soonest as I will be closing it out soon.

5 – 6 Aug – Valley and Villages tour which is a popular annual event held in Wiltshire. For registration see:

11 – 13 Aug – Triumph TR @ 70 to be held at the Bath and West showground. For registration see:

20 Aug – Run to Kempton Park Pumping Station. For registration see:

14 Sep – Run to Chartwell House. For registration see:

New GL Required

I have been WFTR GL for 5 years now and feel it would be good to give someone else a go at this task. No doubt bring new ideas and take us to new heights. I will be standing down at the Christmas Lunch and AGM on 09 Dec, but thought it prudent to give you all notice so that any volunteers can quiz me on what is involved. I can say one thing and that is it has been a lot of fun.

TR Register

You will all know about the TR Register International to be run at Bath show ground from 11 – 13 Aug per above and several e-mails you will have received. The Register is keen to get as many as possible to attend so if you have space on the calendar even if it is just for a day go along and support the event.


The weather has been kind to us this TR season for some excellent runs out so far and we hope you will join us on one or some of the events detailed above. If you are unable then come along to our club nights which are all well supported and very enjoyable. One last word and that is for the Christmas party to be held at Meade Hall, the Crown & Cushion on 09 Dec. Registration will open very shortly so watch the site to get your name down to attend. We have managed to keep the price to the same level as it has been on the last 2 Christmas parties.

  1. jenny green on 01 Jul 2023:

    Thanks Mike for a very newsy newsletter.

    Reply to jenny green

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.