The Phoenix – New Years Day
About 19 members attended the traditional gathering of petrolheads near Hartley Wintney before most repaired to the Hogget pub a few miles further down the A30 – same as last year. Organised by Dave Hankin.
Usual good-natured chaos on the A30!
Steve admiring one of several Capris for sale and being egged on by Richard – Allison remaining neutral!
Terry Schraider preferred Minis
Huge variety of cars to admire, from the very old…
……to the very new and exotic.
Quite a few TR6s
Oh, the good old days when petrol was only 125.9p per litre!
Nice GT6
Nice of the Hook Morris to turn out to entertain us.
Irish Wolfhound not so interested!
As last year, good food, good service.