What a great day out! Loadsapeople turned up in many TRs for a run around Surrey then back the Chez Holt for tea and cake, Horse of the Year Show, beer, burgers, sausages and pudding. What fun we had.
The list of party goers were: Mike and Lynda, Avis and Tim, Graham and Michelle, James and Trish, Barry and Jenny, Terry and Helen, Jenny and Christophe, Pat and Kevin, Steve and Chris, Dave and Jan, Andy and Jane, Steve and Marjorie, Cliff and Coral, Nick and Pippa and of course Laurence and Suzanne.
The team gathers at the usual hauntSame team but closerArty shot of Steve and MarjorieThe grand entranceThe mighty steedsJenny and Christophe approachMorning briefingJealous horse Waiting in anticipationJames and Graham pretending to know anything at all about horsesAlmost time to beginAnd here they come!Still coming but from a different angleAnd off we trotRound the bollards whilst observing strict highway code rulesThe Red Arrows were never this goodRound and roundThe final saluteLeft to right: Abby – Vinas, Suzanne – Generoso, Ali – Darcy, Jen – Doc, Felicity – Ben, Serena – SplodgeThe intrepid few venture forwardsHelen tempting Dobbin with a poloChris does the sameNow loads of people test the waters. Laurence not interested due to insufficient horsepower.The magnificent fourMike and Andy discuss hand in pockets protocolsTea on the lawnMore tea (in the barrel)
And now the cars…
Steve and Marjorie (6) and Cliff and Coral (3)Steve and Chris (6)Christophe and Jenny (3) Andy and Jane (6)Kevin and Pat (3A) James and Trish (7 Sprint)Tim and Avis, Terry and Helen, Nick and Pippa (all 4)Dave and Jan (rally 4)Mike and Lynda (6)Another look at the ultra rare 7 Sprint.