Part of the TR Register


Day 1 – Odiham to Knoll House

Four TRs met up for a leisurely drive down to Purbeck Island encompassing a lunch stop in Christchurch at the Emporium Antiques warehouse.  Then via the Sandbanks ferry to Shell beach and our ultimate destination at the Knoll House Hotel in Studland.

Ready to roll
Coffee stop at the Thyme & Tides Firsdown…
…where we met a nice chap and his Alpine who kindly took a photo of us all
And then we got to Salisbury
Lunch at the Emporium Christchurch
A rather windswept Bournemouth
Cars sheltering from the wind
Deep philosophical discussions on the ferry to Purbeck
On the beach!

Day 2 – Golf Lessons, Worbarrow Bay, Tyneham, Paddling

This very hot sunny day was packed, starting with a highly competitive game of Pitch & Putt amongst the gorse and heather downland opposite the hotel.  Then we drove to the famous abandoned village of Tyneham amongst the Purbeck hills. 

Followed by a route march to Worbarrow bay and, for some adventurous souls, [the men] a stiff climb to the top of a very steep promontory.  The ladies wisely sat on a bench and admired the view!

Somewhat tired we returned to the Hotel for an excellent meal and bed.

Mike showing is how it’s done.
Then we all had a go
Mike realising his lessons were possibly ignored at the par 99 hole 3
Three miles from tee to flag
Leisurely ladies enjoying the views of Worbarrow Bay
A view from the top. Didn’t see any keep out signs anywhere
Mike and Tim eventually made it to the top. And if you look way off in the distance…
…the ladies are still being leisurely
Tyneham village schoolhouse
Barry trying hard to remember his lessons
Tyneham Church
A real insight into 1930s rural life
Looking out over Dorset
Jenny checking Barry is flying within his limits
The pointy bit is what we climbed
Always time for ice cream
Corfe Castle by Avis
Corfe Castle by Jenny and Mike
Local fauna having dinner at the hotel

Day 3 – Trains, Corfe, a castle, Swanage and steam!

We travelled to Swanage for an excursion on the steam railway.  A steam engine fair was in progress near Corfe, Tim and Graham decided to spend the day looking at some magnificent engines in steam before retiring to the beer tent to dodge some rainstorms.

The rest of the party spent the day exploring Corfe village and its iconic castle before returning to Swanage town. Another fun packed day and yet another meal at the hotel.

Graham and Tim discussing coal
On the chuff chuff to Corfe
A very soggy Corfe
Very picturesque
Old things
More old things
Barry taking a picture…
…of the castle guardians
Arty shot
Mike inspecting a bench
A view of something very interesting. More about this later
Waiting for a train
Michelle pointing out where to see the sea. Mike and Jenny acting as the rear guard.
Afternoon tea

And now the fun bit…

Arrival at Norton station
Hand built over 17 years
Man with tattoo watches chuffing great thing
Nicked during WW2. Probably not the original driver
A view of Corfe castle by Graham
A better view of Corfe castle by Tim
Tiddly little 3 ton engine
And the biggest at the show at 18 tons.
Preparing the kite and ignoring Michelle about to paddle
Michelle now paddling
Kite launched
That’s us at the bottom of the bit of string
Grumpy old man complains chair is too small
Cheerful young man doesn’t care how big the chair is
The last supper

Day 4 – The run home

The following morning, we packed up for the comparatively short drive home (approximately 2 hours).

It was a very interesting weekend enjoyed by everyone and in case you are wondering Mike Heelis won the pitch and putt competition with Lynda Heelis as runner up.

We all think they had been seriously practicing over the week leading up to the run!

  1. John Townend on 10 Aug 2024:

    Great photos a good time seems to be had by all
    Gill and my 3 daughters are thinking of a long weekend next September at the Knoll House Hotel
    Would you recommend it especially the food and standard of rooms?

    Reply to John Townend

    • Graham on 10 Aug 2024:

      Hi John,

      Rooms were good, food excellent and ambiance just as expected. Walking distance to the beach and loads to see and do all withing a short drive. Highly recommended.

      Reply to Graham

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