Part of the TR Register
Cranleigh Car Show

Printemps Run 2024

Organised by the Guildford Car Club we had a great run round parts of Surrey starting and finishing at Fox corner. 32 cars took part aged from 1925 to 2017.

Taking part from WFTR were: Dave and Linda, Terry and Helen, Lawrence and Suzanne, Graham and Michelle, Barry and Jenny and John and Victoria

Morning brief. Lawrence and Michelle trying to recall how to read a map. Sammy not paying any attention at all.
Fort Escort pretending to be a TR4.
A very busy car park
The Holtmobile
1925 Ford model T
Waiting to go – setting of from oldest to newest (the cars not the drivers).

Setting off

Dave and Linda
Terry and Helen
Barry (looking very racey) and Jenny
Lawrence and Suzanne
Graham and Michelle
John and Victoria
James and Trish

Over the Bridge at Tilthams Corner

Back at the Fox

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.