Newsletter December 2022
Club Night
The December WFTR Club night will be at The Foresters Arms, 173 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5DH, on 06 December from 7:30 p.m. Mike and Tim will be giving a short presentation on their rallying trip to Cyprus just as Covid was emerging. Barry will be reminding you of your run selections for next year (more on this follows below).
Notable Events
It is a quiet time of year for runs, but we did accept an invitation by the Thames Valley Group to meet up with them on their patch for lunch. This was a bit of a last minute plan and we apologise to those who would have like to have come, but missed out. We should do more of these in the future.

We had a good evening out at our annual skittles meet at the Jolly Farmer, Binstead near Alton. We were fed and watered by the establishment ahead of getting down to some serious competitive bowling. Sadly for the men the ladies trounced us as you can see on the scoreboard below. All enjoyed the fun.

Planned Events
11 December – Christmas Lunch and AGM to be held at Windlesham Golf Club for which we have 43 registered. Registration is now closed.
01 January 2023 – We will meet for lunch after having attended the annual New Years day Phoenix Classic Car meet at Hartley Wintney. Having been unable to book the Hoggett for lunch we have managed to get a table at the Millhouse in North Warnborough ( No deposits needed at this stage so register soonest if you would like to join us.
Planning of Events for 2023
We would like you to spend a few minutes completing the Survey Monkey form Barry has designed for you to determine which events next year are viable. Just click on this link and complete the form for us please. It will make life so much easier for Barry if the maximum possible number can complete the form which is:
For those who are unable to come along to the AGM we will be giving you feedback of any motions voted upon and/or decisions made. Should you wish to make a representation to bring forward at the meeting then let me know soonest at
TR Register Matters
Mike Ellis, Jeff Roberts and I attended a Register meeting at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon on 06 November. The meeting was focussed on setting out a 5 year strategy for the Register which will be communicated to you very soon. A potential strap line from this event was as follows;
We want our cars to be on the road in 20 years time and want to be an active part of that experience.
To those of you who will not be attending the Christmas lunch I wish you a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. Here is hoping we can have a action packed 2023 with ample events of all types for every taste.