Mike’s TR6

This is a 1970 ex USA model, which has been a rolling restoration since purchase in 2012. It has a 1975 125 BHP PI engine on a Triumph 2000/2500 J Type O’Drive gearbox which means high gearing and relaxed cruising. Why did I buy it?…….because I loved the colour, there was no rust, the MX5 seats allowed me to drive it (cannot get in with standard TR6 fitted seats) it had just had an MoT, drove well and the price was about right. It was all uphill from that point which I shall soon share. However, I have had so much fun using and restoring it plus have covered in excess of 25,000 breakdown free (shh!!!) miles so no complaints.
Here are some pics of my fettling during Lockdown: new rear gearbox mount plus leaking speedo drive from J Type O’Drive, Dynamat interior of car to make it nice and quiet (and allow fuller attenuation to sports exhaust!), handbrake slave cylinder lever extensions makes parking on my sloping drive a lot easier with increased handbrake efficiency for less effort on application of brake.
Where did Mike get his Great lever extensions from
I have responded on the phone to this post.
Great idea, where can I purchase a set
I purchased them off e-bay and tried to look again today, but nothing there. Need to keep trying. Sorry.