Part of the TR Register
Goodbye to Ireland

Christmas 2023

Closing another year with a great party at the Meade Hall in Minley. Organised by a whole bunch of people but mainly Mike, Tim, Barry and Michelle.

Joining the fun were: Mike and Lynda, Graham and Michelle, Laurence and Suzanne, Marilyn and Mike, James and Trisha, Kevin and Pat, Terry and Helen, Richard and Ann, Barry and Jenny, John and June Cox, Robin and Saideh, Cliff and Coral, Jeff, Lesley and Tim, Andy and Jane, Darren White, Nick and Pip

A table of gifts
One for everybody
Who you be, what you nosh and where you sit.
Early arrivals
A dimly lit table
Dimly lit people
Better lit people
Michelle and Suzanne wondering why Trisha has gone all blurry
No idea who these two are
Nobody watching the telly. Having too much fun
Down at the other end with all the riff-raff
Why no presents in the crackers? The mystery continues…

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.