Part of the TR Register
Crofton Run June 2014


Nine Intrepid adventurers set off on the first WFTR run of 2024. Taking part were Graham and Michelle, Nick and Pip, Geoff, Laurence and Suzanne and Tim and Avis. Falling by the wayside were Kevin and Pat whose car let them down before the start.

We all met at the Plucky Pheasant at Newlands Corner where Laurence was concerned about the quantity of breakfast available. After the team photo we headed off down the A25 to Westerham and Chartwell House. Starting with the obligatory tea and cake we explored the gardens and then the house. A short run to Brasted and the Stanhope Arms for a pleasant lunch.

The journey home was somewhat soggy with some getting stuck in both the rain and traffic jams.

But a fun time for all with all cars getting home without issue.

Newlands corner
A different team with Avis doing gang signs
The cafe at Chartwell. Pip and Michelle considering more cake.
Philosophical conversation on the path up to the house.
A bit further up the path. Geoff demonstrating his karate chop.
Looking up at Chartwell
Chartwell from the studio
One of many floral displays
A discussion about the stump of a tree.
The studio. The left easel was his last painting and never finished
It appears even Churchill was a fan of the marque
The original secretary’s desk
Two good looking chaps
Black swans on the pond
Ominous looking skies
The magnificent four
More of the four
Lunch at the Stanhope Arms

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.