Part of the TR Register
Goodbye to Ireland

WFTR Newsletter November 2022

Club Night

The next monthly WFTR Club night will be at The Foresters Arms, 173 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5DH, on 01 November from 7:30 p.m. Barry will be speaking to you again about planning next years events and also showing you the superb film he has put together of 3 TR runs to the Isle of Man (at separate times of course).

Isle of Man Jury Motor Museum Exhibit (TT Course is 37.73 miles long)

Notable Events

Unusually there have been no formal WFTR events during October possibly due to the high number we had in September and also the change in weather.

Planned Events

30 October – We have been invited to join Thames Valley Group for a Sunday lunch near Dorking. There are 4 cars with 6 of us to attend and we are looking forward to it. I hope the weather stays fine!

18 November – We have our pub grub and skittles evening at the Jolly Farmer which is an annual good fun event. Usually centred around ladies v gents to win on the bowling alley. Watch this space…….

11 December – Christmas Lunch and AGM to be held at Windlesham Golf Club for which we have 43 registered at present. This is a popular and important event on our calendar and I again ask that you register as soon as you are able at: Registration and final date for payment is 14 Nov so if there are any others of you who wish to attend then complete both processes by then.

Potential Event – 01 January 2023 – We usually meet for lunch after having attended the annual New Years day Phoenix Classic Car meet at Hartley Wintney. We would be happy to do the same again this year at the Hogget (see: ), but need numbers and a £5 per head deposit by the end of next week if we are to go. Please let Barry or me know if you would like to attend soonest.

23 April 23 – It is WFTR turn to organise Drive it Day and we have started the planning already. The committee has visited the museum and detailed arrangements for the day are being defined. In order for us to deliver a successful event we will need volunteers from WFTR members to help on the day. We are asking you to come forward now and add your names to a list we can rely on to help. For some willing to travel we will be going down to Amberley to do final planning of where the cars are going to go on site and detailed tasks for marshals on 14th April. We want this to be a memorable day and hope you will help us to deliver it.

Planning of Events for 2023

At a recent committee meeting it was suggested that we have a template for runs over a 12 month period and the following was agreed:

  1. 2 x Car shows.

2. 1 x big run over 3 days.

3. 3 x 2 day runs.

4. 6 x 1 day events.

5. 1 x event in Mar and Oct.

We would welcome any comments and feedback on this proposal.

The discussion at the October club night resulted in Day Trips to places of interest, Pub Lunch Runs & Weekends Away being the most popular, closely followed by Social Events, Car Shows & Longer Trips. In order to get a wide variety of events for 2023 you are being asked for your specific suggestions and forms will be distributed at the November Club Night for you to let us have your ideas. Alternatively you can download the form by CLICKING HERE to complete and bring with you to club night or email to

I have received an invite from Goodwood TR Group GL Paul Adams to see if any of the South East Group members would be interested in joining a tour to Spa Classic in 2023 from 12th to 15 May 2023.  The idea would be to travel in company via the Dover Calais ferry crossing. To date four GWTR members and their TR’s are booked. The details can be seen SCENIC CARTOURS see with a unique booking reference of SPA-TRGW. It is essential that the instructions for booking are followed and the unique reference is used.  If anyone has any questions about joining the tour with GWTR please do not hesitate to contact either me and I will put you in contact with GWTR GL.


The 2022 WFTR AGM will be held at Windlesham Golf Club at 1530hrs after the Christmas lunch on 11 December 2023. For those members not attending the lunch, but who wish to attend the AGM they are welcome to do so, but I ask that you inform me of your intent as soon as possible. Additionally any member may wish to submit a proxy vote on any agenda proposal then do so by e-mailing me at The Agenda for the AGM is as follows:


1.  To receive apologies for absence and introductions.
2.  There were no minutes from the last AGM as the meeting AGM slide pack provides an adequate record.
3.  Group Leaders Report.
4.  Treasurers Report and adoption of accounts.
5.  Membership Report.
6.  Social Secretary Report 2022 and forecast for 2023.
7.  Election of Committee:
a.  Group Leader
b.  Treasurer.
c.  Social Secretary
d.  Member without portfolio.
Note: No other nominations for committee have been received from the membership.  Should there be none at the meeting the current committee is prepared to continue for 2022/23 subject to a vote.
8.  Resolutions:  
a. Donation of any proportion of club funds in excess of an agreed level should be donated to Charity.
b. To nominate a WFTR charity.  Committee suggests Phylliss Tuckwell (see:
9.  AOB.
10.  Close of meeting . 

TR Register Matters

I will be attending a Register meeting at the British Motor Museum at Gaydon on 06 November. The intention of this meeting is to look at options for the future of the Register. If anyone has views on this and would like to inform me prior to the meeting then do please let me know at I will provide feedback at the December club night and at the AGM.

The Register is conducting a survey on future events which you are invited to respond to. I hope that each one of you will have some form of input to this survey. The response link is:


I regret showering you with so much detail and not including so many pictures, but it is the time of year for planning, AGM’s etc. So please bear with me and the rest of the committee who are working hard for your best interests. I look forward to a catch up at the Skittles or Christmas lunch.

Mike Heelis
WFTR Group Leader

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.