Organised by Andy we all met in Farnham ready for the trip down to Chichester and the excellent Tangmere Military Aviation Museum. Lunch was at the equally excellent Selsey Arms.
Setting of on the voyage of discovery were: Andy and Jane, Richard and Ann, James, Graham and Michelle, John and Barry, Christophe and Jenny, Mike and Lynda, Darren, Steve and Dave and Jan (retired).
Parked at the end of the runwayThe assembled crew (less those still in transit or broken down)The car parkMorning coffeeThe main hangerPrototype spitfireA late model RR MerlinHarrier GR3 and the worlds smallest cockpitThe magnificent LighteningNot a real pigeonLadies of leisureA painter of aeroplanes. Ask Steve Moss about the costAnother of many Merlins on displayBut will it fit in a TR?The remains of an exhumed HurricaneOne of the many helpful volunteersCorrective maintenance……gaffer tape – the universal repair material6, 8 and 7 at the Selsey Arms3, 6, 6, 6 on the other side of the car parkGot drinks, just waiting for the late arrivalsAnd there she is. Hosted by JamesReady to go, Graham and his NY rapper friend.
Good snaps and commentary Graham. There was no need to worry about me (as I’m sure you did…) safely home with the rad cap off and virtually no water loss – one learns something new every day! Now sorted with new set of hoses etc.
Good snaps and commentary Graham. There was no need to worry about me (as I’m sure you did…) safely home with the rad cap off and virtually no water loss – one learns something new every day! Now sorted with new set of hoses etc. Shame Dave & Jan missed the show.
Good snaps and commentary Graham. There was no need to worry about me (as I’m sure you did…) safely home with the rad cap off and virtually no water loss – one learns something new every day! Now sorted with new set of hoses etc.
Good snaps and commentary Graham. There was no need to worry about me (as I’m sure you did…) safely home with the rad cap off and virtually no water loss – one learns something new every day! Now sorted with new set of hoses etc. Shame Dave & Jan missed the show.