Part of the TR Register
Goodbye to Ireland

Cream Tea Run-2017

Once again the sun was shining and this year our intrepid travellers headed off on a treasure hunt. Taking part were: Cliff & Coral, Dave & Linda, Avis & Tim, Jeff, Lesley & Tim Roberts, Mike and Lynda, Jenny and Paul, Steve & Chris Moss, Nick and Pippa, Kevin & Pat, Bruce and Jean. Staying at home were Graham and Michelle who made the tea and baked the scones.

Planning the route

Tim is ready to roll but the rest of his team weren’t.

All lined up an ready to go (at last)

Mike making sure Cliff and Coral have the correct number of wheels

Mike and Lynda upgrade to a 7

Tim and Avis upgrade to a 6

Clue number 1: Guarding the Station

Clue number 2: Pointing the Way

Clue number 3: The Early Train

Clue number 4: The Last Train

Clue Number 5: Pirbright Girls

Clue Number 6: On Track

Clue number 7: Cody’s Buttons

Team Meet

Clue Number 8: His Boots

The Run Home



Over the Bridge

More coming home

Tea and scones – culinary highlight of the year

Comparing answers – Steve adjudicates

Looking over the small table

Dave and Mike consider the hat wearing fashion on the other side of the table.

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.