Part of the TR Register

Spring Run to Whitchurch Silk Mill

Organised by Tim and Avis, they were joined by Mike and Lynda, Steve and Chris, Dave and Linda, Jeff and Lesley, Yvonne and Norman.

Get your hand out your pockets and stand up straight, this isn't a game you know

Get your hand out your pockets and stand up straight, this isn’t a game you know

Jeff smells something funny. Tim has got an ASBO

Jeff smells something funny. Tim has got an ASBO

Raising the enthusiasm for the off

Jeff and Steve looking for inspiration. Everyone else just wants to get going


Tim and Avis showing off their matching gloves

Concerns raised about the low bridge.

Concerns raised about the low bridge.

Avis in her new role as the tea lady

Avis in her new role as the tea lady

I'm not getting out, you can't make me

I’m not getting out, you can’t make me



Brave and hardy with the top down. Warm and sensible with it up

Brave and hardy with the top down. Warm and sensible with it up

Arrival at the Mill

Arrival at the Mill

Parking up at the esses

Parking up at the esses

March Hares

March Hares

Mike takes a picture. World reels in shock

Mike takes a picture. World reels in shock

Old things in the mill

Old things in the mill

Incorrect representation of a rainbow. And a loom

Incorrect representation of a rainbow. And a loom

I know these, they are called bobbins. Named after that game you do with apples in a barrel. I think

I know these, they are called bobbins. Named after that game you do with apples in a barrel. I think

Tea and Cake. An empire was built doing this

Tea and Cake. An empire was built doing this

A man cutting the grass

A man cutting the grass

Some sort of bird. Probably an eagle

Some sort of bird. Probably an eagle

A pair of balls

A pair of balls

This is where they make stuff for Barbie

This is where they make stuff for Barbie

Mike employs the lord of the manor pose. Chris does a magic trick

Mike employs the lord of the manor pose. Chris does a magic trick

The trick was turning scarf into a shuttle.

The trick was turning scarf into a shuttle.


  1. Steve & Chris on 09 Apr 2016:

    Very amusing, Graham – you should do picture captions for the Sun!

    Steve & Chris

    Reply to Steve & Chris

  2. Nick Nigel on 20 Apr 2016:

    The man moving the lawn looks like Jeff – did he also do the grass on this run? Nick 20 Apr

    Reply to Nick Nigel

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.