Part of the TR Register

Phyllis Tuckwell Car Show

What a show! Over 700 cars all supporting the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice at the home of Robert and Tanya and their magnificent private collection.

We all met at the Fox and headed off to Churt for a day in the sunshine.

And by we I mean: Sarah, Graham and Michelle, Mike and Lynda, Laurence and Suzanne, Dave and Jan Hankin, Barry and John, Nick and ???

Not many pictures because we were all having too much fun.

Trying to remember how to assemble the gazebo.
The WFTR gazebo dance
Part of the WFTR collection
Many more cars
Mike’s favourite. The BMW Glas
An early connection to our TRs.
The Austin Swallow

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.