Newsletter September 2022
Club Night
The first Tuesday of the month Club night as usual will be at The Foresters Arms, 173 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5DH, next Tuesday 06 Sep from 7:30 p.m. We had a record breaker last month with 40 in attendance on a lovely evening with many TR’s showing up. The competition judged by Jenny Green and Marilyn Ellis selected a lovely TR4A brought to the meeting by Greg Hyatt. Well done Greg. We will make sure the roof windows are open if it is hot again next week.
We will be having a different type of competition this month where different types of bulbs are inserted into varying holders within the shortest time possible. We will be looking for a few teams of two to try their hand so let Barry know when you arrive if you would like to have a bash. Taster of the setup is:

Pre meeting good value meals offered by the Foresters are also proving very popular and we ask that if you are going to eat you come early enough to finish before the meeting commences at 7:30pm. Book steak and chips plus a bottle of wine for two at a cost of £25 the day before. There will also be a raffle on the evening. Bring your TR as the evenings are closing in now and it may be the last chance in the light.
Notable Events
We had three events planned for last month, but only one went ahead. Bucklers Hard was postponed until 23 Sep (see more on this below) due to the forecast and actual arrival of heavy rain. The other was Cranleigh Classics where due to the mid 30’s C temperature it was considered not a great idea to attend.
The event which did go ahead was the ever popular Valley and Villages Scenic tour organised by Devizes and District Motor Club. Tim & Avis Bartholomew led a group of 12 members in their TR’s over from Hook to Royal Wootton Bassett on a very scenic route to stay overnight at a hotel there ahead off the event. The event day was very memorable with an excellent road book containing tulip navigation and a superb tour of the beautiful Wiltshire countryside. Coffee/tea and a bacon roll got them started and there was a nice meal at the end of the route to top off a lovely day. Here are some pics of the day:

Planned Events
11 Sep – Cream Tea Run. We have 24 registered in 13 TR’s for the ever popular event. If you are interested then go to to register.
16 Sep – Lyme Bay Tour. There are currently 13 registered in 7 TR’s for the exciting three day trip to the seaside. See if you are interested in joining us. However, if you would like a run out on Sunday 18 Sep then West Green House, that we attended last year, are having the same event. See:
23 Sep – Buckler’s Hard and Beaulieu River Boat Trip – We currently have 26 entered in 14 cars for this event and I ask that you check the website to make sure you are content that your name remains as entered and will attend – see: . Should anyone wish to add their names to the list and come along on the run then you are welcome to do so up to the new closing date of 07 Sep.
11 Dec – Christmas Lunch and AGM to be held at Windlesham Golf Club and for which we have 13 registered at present. This is a popular and important event on our calendar and I ask that you register as soon as you are able at:
23 Apr 23 – It is WFTR turn to organise Drive it Day in 2023 and we have started the planning already. We will be holding the focus of the event on the day at Amberley Museum (see: ). We are all booked with the museum staff to have our cars on show inside the museum after a nice run down to the site. The committee will visit museum staff to carry out detailed planning on 07 Oct and are optimistic that this is going to be a great day out. Some of you have already been there on a WFTR run a few years ago and will recall a superb day. We will be selling tickets ahead of the event at a very reasonable cost and hope that we get really good support from our Group. Please put it in your calendar now so you do not forget.
Scenic Car Tours We have received the Scenic Car Tours brochure of events for 2023 and there are some really superb ones to choose from. We believe that for WFTR big events of more than two days such as our Scotland and Isle of Man Tours could be undertaken by one of these trips. Both Tim and Avis Bartholomew plus Lynda and myself went to Cyprus rallying with this company and were mighty impressed with the organisation and value. Have a look at the brochure at:
It has been suggested that we have a WFTR WhatsApp group and Barry has offered to spearhead this initiative (thanks Barry). We took a straw poll at the at Club Night and there was clear support to go ahead with this. You will need to let Barry know your phone number so he can invite you which can either be done at Club Night in person or by e-mailing him at .
Kevin Warwick has been donated two widescreens and a rear seat for a TR3A which are going free should anyone wish to have them. See pics:

TR Register Matters
You will all be aware that the Register organised an alternate International to which one or two of our members attended (see: ) . It was held at Ambergate Derbyshire and we look forward to hearing how it went perhaps at Club Night from those who attended.
We are hoping to organise an additional event or two between Bucklers Hard and Christmas lunch so stay in touch with WFTR website events list (see; ). I am really pleased that we have settled so well into the relatively new Club Night location and that this is reflected in the increasing attendance. Happy TR’ing.