Newsletter November 2023
Club Night
The November WFTR club night will be at The Foresters Arms, 173 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5DH, on 07 November from 7:30 p.m. James and Trisha Duckworth will kindly be giving as a talk about their recent TR tour to Spain during the course of the evening. Barry Green has something he would like to say as well.
Event Report
Twenty of us had a superb Autumn leaves run organised by Barry and Jenny. We met for brunch at the Lasham Gliding Club cafe and had a group photo in their large car park. Barry then set us off on a 50’ish mile run along a really pleasant B road route around Hampshire and finishing The Fox at North Waltham for lunch. The weather was sunny and warm so hoods were folded away to make a superb day. Barry also timed it so we could get back to see the rugby union World Cup games that evening on the TV!

Twenty five of us took part in the end of season cruise on a canal boat along the Basingstoke canal from Odiham to King Johns Castle. Passengers were allowed to disembark and walk around the castle mid cruise. This run was organised by James and Trisha who also laid on a lovely afternoon tea to munch on as we sailed the route. Again the weather was kind to us and we all had a lovely afternoon out.

Planned Events
24 Nov – Skittles Night – For those who have already said they will attend please register and pay per following link. All of course are welcome and the more the merrier. See: Barry will be collecting food choices at club night and will follow up on missing members via WattsApp. We have 20 registered currently but have room for 30, so if there are any more takers register now.
09 Dec – Christmas lunch and AGM where we have booked the Meade Hall at the Crown and Cushion near Blackwater. For registration see We hope you will register as early as convenient to assist with planning for the day. We now have 30 signed up and plenty of room for more with registration closing on 24 Nov.
01 Jan – Phoenix car meet along the A30 near Hartley Witney, followed by lunch at the Mill House North Warnborough. Lots of interest in this event with 30 registered already. See;
Events for 2024. Barry will again be going round at Club Night asking if there are any further event suggestions and to say that once received he will start making up a Survey Monkey Form for all to vote on by online submission. He will be showing the completed planner for next year as part of the AGM presentation.
TR Register Notice
Mark Bulford who is currently GL of London Group has been elected by south east area TR Register GL’s to be the TR Register south east area coordinator. South east area groups consist of WFTR, London, Thames Valley, Kent, South Downs and Goodwood Groups.
Our AGM will be conducted after Christmas lunch at the Meade Hall, Crown and Cushion on 9 Dec from 3:00p.m.. For any member wishing to attend the meeting, but not the lunch then please do come along just before 3:00p.m. and participate. It would be helpful if you could let me know of your intention to do so.
I would like to remind all that we will elect the committee for next year at this meeting. All current members will stand again except for myself as GL. We have no volunteers or suggestions for who is prepared to take on the role of WFTR GL from 09 Dec at this time. Please let me know if you are interested.
Draft minutes from the AGM for last year can be seen on our website at:
The Agenda for the AGM is as follows. There are no resolutions to be considered at this time.
1. To receive apologies for absence and introductions.
2. Confirmation of minutes from the 2022 AGM. .
3. Group Leaders Report.
4. Treasurers Report and adoption of accounts.
5. Membership Report.
6. Social Secretary Report 2023 and forecast for 2024.
7. Election of Committee:
a. Group Leader
b. Treasurer.
c. Social Secretary
d. Member without portfolio.
8. Resolutions:
9. AOB.
10. Close of meeting .
Despite our cars being kept out of the darkening skies for the winter we still have club nights and other events being organised and attended by many. Here is hoping we can develop a full and inclusive event plan for next year so we can all enjoy our TR’s and the social gatherings this generates. Come to our Christmas lunch and AGM which will be yet another opportunity for a get together.
Thanks for the newsletter – unfortunately I have missed a lot this year. Not sure if I can make the meeting next week – if not I will offer apologises