Newsletter May 2023
Club Night
The May WFTR Club night will be at The Foresters Arms, 173 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5DH, on 02 May from 7:30 p.m. During the evening Geoff Lovegrove has kindly agreed to give us a short presentation of his time spent working for Honda which I am sure is going to be really interesting.
Event Report
I am pleased to report that Drive it Day organised by our Group at Amberley Museum held on 23 April for all 6 of the South East Region Groups was a a great success. This was the culmination of several months of detailed planning and liaison with museum staff over how the event was to be organised and run. Key on the day was to have well briefed and confident marshals to get the expected 114 TR’s parked within the museum compound and amongst the exhibits. There were 11 WFTR volunteers who kindly agreed to give up a morning and drive down to Amberley a week before to walk the course and agree tasks for getting the cars in position. A huge thanks to all of those marshals who helped on the day as the whole process of arrival and placement of the cars went off without a hitch and there was a great display (photos below). Despite the weather though there were several cars which arrived with their hoods down with the driver still smiling and happy.
Unfortunately the weather was against us for the day with frequent rain showers and lots of rain further East in the Kent Group area. Therefore sadly we only had 73 cars attend on the day which in itself is a great achievement. During the course of the day Wayne Scott the TR Register PR and Editorial Consultant gave two fascinating presentations on the history of Drive it Day and some video backed examples of him rallying his TR8 Grinnal. There was a presentation at 3:00p.m. of best car at the show award judged by Laurence and Suzanne follows by a draw for some nice prizes. Then a follow up talk by Jeff Roberts until recently the South East Area Director followed by Wayne Scott. This was a day to remember and WFTR members can be proud of what we achieved. It is now over to London Group to organise Drive it Day in 2024 to whom Jeff Roberts presented the Drive it Day shield.

Above 3 pictures by permission of Gareth Lewis Amberley Museum
Planned Events For The Next 3 Months
13 May – Fish and Chip run. For registration and details see: We have 9 cars with 17 members already.
19 – 21 May – Tour of the Mendip Hills. Registration closed.
27 May – A trip to the hovercraft museum. For registration and details see:
09 – 12 June – Long weekend in Wales. Fully subscribed.
25 June – Cream tea run – a great favourite. For registration and details see:
07 July – Trip to Jungle Paradise Crazy Golf at Chichester. For registration see:
16 July – Thames valley Tour. For registration see Note that you have to download an entry form and pay Thames Valley Tour using links on our website if you want to go.
29 July – A relaxed run across the South Downs followed by lunch. For registration see:
Inter Group Events
Thames Valley Group have proposed holding a breakfast meeting on On May 20th starting at 9:00 – 9:30. It will be at Sir Roger Tichborne Pub, Loxwood Rd, Alfold Bars, Billingshurst, RH14 0QS. If anyone is interested then let Barry or me know. Alternatively just make a note in the comments box below.
TR Register Issue
For those who did not attend the Register AGM you should know that Jeff Roberts has now become the TR Register Strategy and Club Development Director. The new Chairperson is Dave Burgess
Well we have got off to a good start with Drive it Day with all of those TR’s just yearning to be used this summer (rain and shine!). I hope we have presented you with a sufficiently wholesome event programme, but if you have any further suggestions to add fill in the comment box below. Let us hope for a good summer.
Very informative but the events on 16 and 29 July have the same link.
Hi Trisha, Thanks for spotting that. Now corrected. Mike
Thanks Mike, great photos.