Part of the TR Register
Goodbye to Ireland

Newsletter May 2022

Club Night

May Club night will be at The Foresters Arms, 173 London Road, Bagshot, GU19 5DH next Tuesday 03 May where we hope you will join us if possible. Barry Green will be welcoming you all as I shall be with 9 others in 6 TR’s touring Scotland. Now that the weather has improved we hope folk will bring along their TR’s to chat over in the car park. As we will have TS2 on its WFTR visit as part of the around UK leg there will be time for you to become acquainted with this treasure owned by the Register at club night.

The promised presentation of the Register 5 year strategy in my last newsletter at club night did not happen. This was linked to postponement of the Register AGM which will take place virtually on 08 May. So if you want to see it then I suggest you attend the AGM either by Zoom or in person.

Notable Events

Since my last newsletter on 02 Apr we had a Fish and Chip run from the Hogs Back across the South Downs to Littlehampton on a glorious day. As it was so early in the season there was a range of cars as you can see in the pic below. Thanks to Terry and Helen for organising a lovely Saturday afternoon out.

We had 7 TR’s and an Escort travel on a non motorway journey down to Chatham Dockyard to participate in Drive it Day on 24 Apr. This was a 2 year delayed South East area 50th anniversary celebration of formation of the Register. We had a great day out with lots to do and see topped off with an excellent finger buffet in the Commissioner’s House. 150 had pre booked tickets and with an additional 24 purchased on the gate to a total of 174 making it a big TR day out. See pics to confirm.

Chatham Dockyard

Planned Event

28 Apr – 09 May – Tour of Scottish Highlands, Isles of Skye and Mull. This event has been postponed twice due to Covid and we are now setting out at our third attempt.

03 – 4 May we have TS2 visiting with 12 members registered to support this event. The detail of activities whilst in our custodianship (thanks to Cliff Turnbull) is as follows: Monday 2nd May: Members Steve and Chris Moss and David and Linda Eaton will take TS2 on drives at their leisure. Tuesday 3rd May: Photoshoot day where Cliff, Mike Ellis, Barry Green and Graham Smith will arrange a photoshoot to be undertaken at a range of key points around our area. It will be at club night at The Foresters that evening. Wednesday 4th May: The car will be on show at the Meadows Shopping Centre Camberley GU15 3JQ from 09:00 a.m. until 3:30p.m. We would like as many members as possible to view the car and support the incredible amount of work put in by Cliff, Barry and their team to make this event a success.

11 May – run to Bekonscot Model village – see There are currently 6 registered to attend.

05 Jun – Farnham Festival of Transport – see Again 6 registered (a different 6!).

12 Jun – is our Summer BBQ kindly organised by Laurence and Suzanne at their homestead. This is a popular event and we currently have 19 registered to attend. Get you names down soonest as this one often oversubscribes. See

19 Jun – Bodiam Castle run. See

25 and 26 Jun – Hillier Gardens and Tankfest. See –

02 Jul – Hale Carnival. See

06 – 15 Jul – Isle of Man tour. See

There are plenty more you can see by visiting the events page on the WFTR website at:

Drive it Day April 2023

Drive it Day in the South East area is organised by TR Register Groups on a rotational basis and it has now come to WFTR to organise the event for 2023. We invite you to let us have your ideas as to where and what we can do on this high profile activity. Please help the committee by providing your suggestions either at one of our meetings or to

TR Modifications and Challenges

Even though the good weather is here there are members out there who continue to modify, develop and maintain their TR’s. Here are two examples;

Tim Bartholomew’s immaculate engine compartment mid upgrade to petrol injection.


Lots going on and plenty to look forward to. Welcome to new members, congratulations and thanks to our organisers and here is hoping we continue this upward trend. I look forward to linking up with you at one of our events.

Mike Heelis
Group Leader

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.