Part of the TR Register

Fish & Chip Run

4 May 2024

A picturesque run for fish & chips by the sea.

Enjoy a leisurely drive through the beautiful South Downs National Park to a traditional English seaside resort where you can stroll along the promenade, or dip your toes in the sea, before enjoying some quality fish and chips.

The run of approximately 2 hours will start from the Hogsback service station (GU10 1EU), where detailed instructions will be provided. These will guide you along a route using all classes of non-motorway road to visit picturesque villages and some spectacular scenery, before arriving at the seaside.

Please arrive at 14.15 ready to start at 14.30.

Organised by: Terry & Helen

There are 15 people registered:

Cliff and Coral, Avis & Tim, Dave & Jan Hankin, Pat and Kevin, Barry & Jenny, Jeff, Lesley, Tim, Laurence and Suzanne

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  • The Windsor Forest TR Group is part of the TR Register Car Club.