Organised by Trisha and James we went floating down the Basingstoke Canal to Odiham Castle and back. Enjoying this relaxed way to spend a Sunday afternoon were: Avis and Tim, Marilyn & Mike, Andy and Vanessa, James and Trisha, Kevin and Pat, Graham and Michelle, Barry and Jenny, Mike and Lynda, Steve and Chris, Laurence and Suzanne (and Graham), Terry and Helen and John and Victoria. Plus a number of canine companions.
Trisha pointing out Steve’s excellent head gearAll ignoring the safety brief……except Mike, Barry and Jenny.High tideLooking forwards. Mike’s twin hanging about outside the window.Hours and hours of hard work creating this culinary excellence. Checking the route. don’t want to get lostSwansRaising the bridge to let the Swans throughOff they goAnd now usTerry contemplating more cake. Michelle so hungry she’s gnawing on a fingerMike checking available headroom. Victoria on her 19th cup of tea.For SuzanneTrying to herd catsCats now herded for the obligatory group photoBye bye everyone