Taking part were: Mike and Lynda, Dave and Linda, Graham and Michelle, Chris and Steve, Cliff & Coral, Kevin & Pat, Marilyn & Mike, Christophe & guest, Barry and Jenny, Jenny, Jeff, Lesley and Tim, Nick and Pippa, Steven & Nikki, Suzanne and Lawrence
This year’s run followed the River Wey from Weybridge all the way back to it’s source in Alton. Then a run home to Aldershot for Michelle’s delicious cream tea.
Assembling the team on a sunny Sunday morningTesco’s at Weybridge – a more exotic location you couldn’t ask forThe first team depart: Nick, Pip, Mike, Lynda (at home), Steven and NikkiTeam two on their way: Jeff, Lesley and TimThe third team: Lawrence, Suzanne, Kevin and PatPart two of the third team: Kevin, Pat, Barry and JennyNearly the last to leave: Steve, Chris, Christophe and …One more to go: Mike, Marilyn, Cliff and CoralOver the bridge at EashingArriving at the end of the Wey in AltonWaiting on the New Odiham RadThe last to arriveReady for the run homeArriving at Eggars HillTables laid ready for the hordes to arriveTucking in